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Costa Blanca, Spain

The CBYA is pleased to congratulate Allen Bradley for being approved by RCNC as a TOMS skipper.

Allen has demonstrated to RCNC that he can handle a TOM skilfully, and manoeuvre  a boat around Calpe Marina without an engine.

Allen has also proved to the CBYA that he is a safe and confident sailor by performing all of the manoeuvres at sea that are required by us, such as sailing up wind, tacking and downwind, gybing with and without a spinnaker, and picking up objects (M.O.B) safely. He has also demonstrated that he can command a TOM by giving firm instructional commands to new members who are learning the skills needed to sail a TOM

The CBYA needs more TOMS skippers, if the TOMS section is to survive and grow.  Why not put your name forward?

Comments (2)

Well done Allen!

Well done, Allen.

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