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Costa Blanca, Spain
From 2024, CBYA members will no longer be allowed to waive the requirement to insurance when sailing.

The CBYA requires that all members who sail on CBYA sailing activities: dinghy, Hobie Cat sailing, as well as the monthly CBYA day charters, sail training events and annual charter holiday trips, hold personal liability insurance. Most household and travel insurance packages offer this, so you should check you are covered before you sail with the CBYA. You may be asked for proof that you are covered before being allowed to sail. If you cannot evidence your insurance, you will not be allowed to sail!

The CBYA recommends purchasing a SomVela Carnet Deportivo as this provides the recommended level of cover for CBYA recreational sailing activities. The SomVela Licencia Federativa (LF) insurance offers:

Third-party Liability Insurance

    • Civil Liability Operation 2.000.000 €
    • Sublimit per victim 400.000 €
    • Excess per claim 150 €

Medical Cover

    • Accident suffered by the insured during organised competing & training.
    • Healthcare for injuries suffered by the insured in an accident during organised competing & training, or non-competitive sailing (depending on licence purchased).

The Valencian Community Sailing Federation has Civil Liability Insurance that covers the CR of the federated members as well as express coverage for claims arising from damages caused by the use of boats, in excess of the mandatory insurance that your boat should have, even if it is not subscribed and in force.

In case of an accident, please consult the information given on the SomVela website: ACTIONS IN CASE OF AN ACCIDENT 

If  racing cover is purchased, e.g. the SomVela Deportista, you must also purchase the supplement that covers recreational sailing as well.

Click HERE for the current list of prices for SomVela licences.

Those that only sail with a recognised sea school, such as from RCNC and CN Altea sea schools, need only buy the sea school’s one time or annual sailing school license

You need to purchase your insurance yourself. Either contact your own insurance provider (holiday insurance or household insurance provider) and  arranges to include personal liability insurance that includes sailing, or to purchase a Licencia from SomVela, click on the link Solicita tu Licencia Federativa and fill in the form.


    1. Make sure you select the correct sailing season (e.g. temporada 2024)
    2. Make sure you select the correct insurance (e.g. Carnet Deportivo)
    3. Under club enter “RCN CALPE”
    4. Click ENVIAR and then CONFIRMAR Y PAGAR to purchase your license


    • If you buy a Deportista license, you must purchase a Carnet Deportivo license as well (you will only be charged a supplement)
    • If you  download the SomVela App on your smartphone, you can load your license into the App for easy access. (You can then renew your license via the App in subsequent years)

The Committee

10th October 2023

Comments (1)

Regarding the insurance cover –
After checking with my insurance broker about personal liability insurance cover for water sports/activities – they inform me that, although not explicitly mentioned in the policy, my annual travel insurance covers activities such as recreational sailing including yacht charters – it does not cover dangerous watersports such as white water rafting or similar.

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