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Costa Blanca, Spain

We still need a new merchandise co-ordinator!

We have successfully re-sourced our CBYA merchandise from Spanish suppliers, and the contacts, products and pricing are all set up. This means that whoever takes over will have a much easier time in managing this function.

Basically the work now involves:

  • Receiving and recording orders from members until we achieve an economical/minimum order quantity to place on our supplier.
  • Ensuring all payments received prior to placing the supplier order.
  • Arranging collection of the orders when delivered to the Calpe outlet.
  • Arranging collection of individual member orders.

James Heather has kindly agreed to help out on a temporary basis until we find someone to take on this role. He can be contacted by clicking HERE.

Please volunteer to help us to manage our CBYA merchandise.

If your willing to put something back into your association,  please contact me by clicking HERE.


Hugh Epsom




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