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Costa Blanca, Spain
From 2024, CBYA members will no longer be allowed to waive the requirement FOR insurance when sailing.

The CBYA requires that all members who sail on CBYA sailing activities: dinghies, Hobie Cats, as well as the monthly CBYA day charters, sail training events, and annual charter holiday trips, hold Personal Liability Insurance. Most household and travel insurance packages offer this, so you should check that you are covered before you sail with the CBYA. You will be asked to state what cover you have when you book on a CBYA sailing event. You may also be asked for proof that you are covered before being allowed to sail.

If you cannot provide evidence of your Personal Liability Insurance cover, you will not be allowed to sail!

In order to sail or race at a Club Nautico or take part in an open event, you will be required to hold a SomVela Licencia (insurance) from the Federació Vela Comunitat Valencia (FVCV). There are appropriate SomVela licenses (racing and recreational) for all types of sailing done in Spain and these can be extended to cover other geographical area if you seek an endorsement from the federation.

The CBYA recommends all members that sail recreationally with the CBYA buy a SomVela licenses from the FVCV. Note, this covers you against personal injury only. It down not insure you against loss or damage to  third parties, You must therefore have your own personal liability insurance.

About the Federació Vela Comunitat Valencia Insurance

The FVCV has Civil Liability Insurance that covers federated members, as well as express coverage for claims arising from damages caused by the use of boats, in excess of the mandatory insurance that your boat should have, even if it is not subscribed and in force.

The FVCV Civil Liability Insurance provides the following cover:

    • Civil Liability Operation 2.000.000 €
    • Sublimit per victim 400.000 €
    • Excess per claim 150 €

Medical Cover

    • Healthcare for injuries suffered by the insured in an accident

Those that only  sail with a Club Nautico sea school, such as the RCN Calpe and CN Altea sea schools, need only buy the sea school’s one time or annual sailing school license.

Full details on the costs of SomVela insurance can be found on the FVCV website HERE.  We have also created a summary sheet that explains the different insurances, how to work out which license is right for the type of sailing you do and how to buy it. Please read this document by clicking  Here

Note. You need to purchase your insurance yourself. Either contact your own insurance provider (holiday insurance or household insurance provider) and  arrange to include Personal Liability Insurance or purchase a Licencia via the website. If you click on this link Solicita tu Licencia Federativa you will be redirected to the form.


    1. Make sure you review our summary sheet and select the correct insurance type (See Here)
    2. Under club, it is very important that you enter “RCN CALPE
    3. Click ENVIAR and then CONFIRMAR Y PAGAR to purchase your license


    • If you buy a Deportista license, and purchase a Carnet Deportivo license as well (or vica-versa), you will only be charged the supplement
    • If you  download the SomVela App on your smartphone, you will find your purchased licenses in the App  (You can also renew your license via the App in subsequent years)

Please, once you have your insurance policy number or SomVela Licencia number, add it  to the Licencia Federative Number field of your membership details form: Would you also please send an email to Rachel Garham saying you have bought a license and include the number

The CBYA committee

1st January 2024

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