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Costa Blanca, Spain

The 2023 CBYA Annual General Meeting took place at the Real Club Náutico Calpe on Wednesday 22nd March 2023. 

The meeting was attended by 47 members present in the room, and a further 10 members via a Zoom conferencing connection.

The following were elected to the 2023 CBYA Committee:

Chairman: John Mackney

Secretary: Helen Glavin

Boating Officer: Paul Glavin


95 members voted on-line prior to the meeting,

The full results of the pre-meeting voting can be viewed by clicking HERE.



The Maurice Pilkington Award was presented to our out-going Chairman, Hugh Epsom, for his eleven years of service to the CBYA.







Make-a-Smile was selected as our 2023 supported charity

The 2023 Chairman’s Report can be viewed by clicking HERE

The 2022 Audited CBYA financial accounts can be viewed by clicking HERE

The 2023 CBYA AGM Minutes of Meeting can be viewed by clicking HERE

The full AGM presentation can be viewed by clicking HERE.

We enjoyed an excellent post-AGM tapas lunch at Real Club Náutico Calpe Restaurante after the meeting.

Thank you for supporting your Association.

The Committee

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