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Costa Blanca, Spain
Bestaven Finish

Yannick Bestaven, the 48 year old French skipper of Maître Coq IV, is the overall winner of the ninth edition of the Vendée Globe. Although he actually took the gun for third place off Les Sables d’Olonne, France at 03hrs 19mins 46 secs early this Thursday morning, because he carried a time compensation of 10 hours and 15 minutes, awarded by an international jury for his role in the search and rescue of fellow competitor Kevin Escoffier, Bestaven takes victory 2hrs 31mins 01secs ahead of Charlie Dalin and 6hrs 40mins 26secs of Louis Burton, who both finished ahead of him, and take second and third respectively.

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Full results are HERE

The valiant CBYA virtual sailors also did well, with four of them finishing well ahead of the real yachts!!

The first to finish was S/Y Jumbuck, sailed by John Allison, who crossed the line in 2637th position out of over 730,000 participating virtual sailors, after 69 days racing! An amazing result!

Second in the group was Rubber Duck 1, sailed by Hugh Epsom, who finished  15,745th position, 25 hours behind Jumbuck.

Third was Arnie 2, sailed by Dave Reid, finishing in 30,994th position.

Fourth was Freedom 9, sailed by Rachel Garnham, finishing 32,851st.

Rachel’s second yacht, S/Y Kelamity, finished in 92,786th position, and Samir Chami’s boat, S/Y Jemila, was still at sea at the time of writing.

Well done to all !

The Committee

31st January 2021


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