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Costa Blanca, Spain
Crystal Jubilee

As part of our Crystal Jubilee celebrations this year, we plan to publish a little bit of CBYA history every month. This month we would like to explain the origins of the CBYA…..

As some of you may know, we began as a sailing group (a Proprietary Club) formed under the initiative of Dr Ron Shanson in 1995, who was our first Commodore. This morphed into the Costa Blanca Boat Club (CBBC) in 2002, another Proprietary Club, with Michael Arnold as the Commodore and Chairman, and Dr Ron as Honorary Commander.

Here is our first CBBC flier…

In 2005, the CBBC was converted into a proper Members’ Club, fully registered under Spanish law as La Asociación Amigos del Yate Costa Blanca, or the Costa Blanca Yacht Association (CBYA), with Michael Arnold as Chairman, Chris Middleton as Secretary, Piers Armstrong as Treasurer, and Martin Charman, Diana Jarvis, John King and Dr Ron as Committee members, and the rest, as they say, is history!

Hugh Epsom


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