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Costa Blanca, Spain

Amanda Topson has now agreed to take over the role of TOMs Co-ordinator from Rachel Garnham. This is the position formally handled by Jenny Rawle, and which has been has been handled by Rachel since Jenny went off sailing all over the world! Amanda is taking this on in addition to her work as the CBYA Public Relations Co-ordinator. MANY THANKS AMANDA!!!

We are looking for a TOMs Organiser to take over from Chris de Boer. Amanda will temporarily handle this activity until we can find a replacement. Thanks Chris for filling this role over the last few months.

The TOMs Co-ordinator is a normally member of the CBYA committee, and has full voting rights in Committee meetings. Co-opted Committee members are normally confirmed at the next Annual General Meeting.

In this position she will oversee all CBYA TOMs sailing. Specifically this includes:-

    • Selecting and training CBYA members to be the TOMs Organiser, and run the weekly TOMs sailing.

    • Preparing and scheduling weekly email newsletter invitations for TOMs sailing for the following month. Composing a series of invites, usually one a week for 3 weeks prior.

    • Overseeing email answering role for the weekly TOMs sail training, and taking over if needed.

    • Planning the annual CBYA TOMs sailing events at the beginning of each year, in conjunction with RCNC, and when available, populating the CBYA calendar with 5 Clubs, TOMs training, RCNC liga, and special event dates.

    • Helping to plan special CBYA TOMs events together with the Chairman, Special TOMs Event Organiser, and RCNC (e.g., TOMs Coastal Cruise & Raft-up, Veterans Regatta, CBYA Challenge, CBYA Regatta, etc.), and populating the CBYA calendar when decided.

    • Overseeing the TOMs Ladder event with help from the TOMs Organiser and others.

    • Liaising with the TOMs Organiser for RCNC Liga crew invitations and crew selection.

    • Checking with TOMs skippers regarding any problems with the TOMs, and sending this information to RCNC.

    • Overseeing the training of new CBYA TOMs skippers in preparation for testing by Rachel and RCNC.

    • Supplying CBYA burgees to crew once they have passed RCNC skipper assessment.

If you would like to volunteer to help out as TOMs Organiser please contact Amanda, you can do so by clicking HERE.

Hugh Epsom


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