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Costa Blanca, Spain
2019-04-07 19.40.12

The CBYA teams did extremely well in the 2019 Mirador Challenge on Sunday 7 April.

The CBYA Machos (comprising Team Leader, Gary Mudge, with Peter English, Rick Rihan, Tammy de Boer and Mike Cross) won the Leisure Section with an amazingly fast time on the bonus section (Mirador La Falzia > Mirador Creu del Portitxol) , 6th fastest time overall, and with only one mistake on the Mirador photograph identification task!

Congratulations to the CBYA Machos for establishing a new record for the Leisure section, previously held by the Sports Section team ‘Correcaminos’.

The CBYA Windseekers (comprising Team Leader, Tanya English, with Cynthia Mone, Rebecca Norman, Richard Hansen and Steve White) also performed very well, and finished 12th overall in the Leisure Section. They excelled on the timed bonus section as well, completing it in the 9th fastest time overall, and 4th fastest amongst the Leisure Section teams!!

Many thanks to the CBYA members who volunteered to help run the event, by serving as Checkpoint Stewards and Marshalls. These included: Keith & Christine Owen, Julie Benneworth, Linda Rihan, Debbie & Keri Theophilus, Rachel Garnham, Brenda Bates, Rosie & Mike Sparshatt-Worley, James Morris, Chris de Boer, Diana Jarvis, Mel Bigger, Gillian Ashworth, Hugh Epsom and Karen Cross. Apologies to anyone that we have forgotten to mention.

Many thanks also to Gary Regan who helped to organise and run the CBYA team training until being forced to drop out due to injury.

The CBYA teams are raising money for the 2018 CBYA-supported charities which comprise Make-a-Smile, APASA, the Bomberos and the Guardian Angels! All worthy causes! Please give them your support.

Click HERE for more information on this year’s event!!

Well done to Mike & Fay Smith of for conceiving this great event, and for organising it every year.

The Committee

April 2019

Comments (2)

Well done, Machos and everyone for taking part and helping. Rachel

Enhorabuena Machos. Well done after several attempts you did it!
Windseekers,, Great effort by you all. Maybe next year?

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