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Costa Blanca, Spain

Another fun TOMs Ladder event took place on Thursday 8th November. Eighteen CBYA members participated – sailing five TOMs.

This event is designed to encourage those requiring more TOMs race experience. We race with white sails only – no spinnakers – so the sailing is not too demanding. We now generally schedule TOMs Ladder events on Thursdays. Points are accumulated based on race results over a 6 – 8 week period, and prizes are awarded to those with the lowest total points count at the end of each series. This second 2018 TOMs Ladder is scheduled to run until the end of November. The TOMs Ladder has been well supported since its introduction earlier this year.

As normal, the organiser, Chris de Boer, drew the names of the five RCNC-approved TOMs skippers from those available on the day, and also drew the crews for each boat. Surprisingly the crew selections were reasonably balanced, even though two of the boats had four crew, as opposed to three crew only on the others, possibly allowing a slight overall weight advantage to the lighter boats.

Roger Buckle kindly agreed to bring out the RCNC inflatable, lay the course, and act as Race Officer.

The wind was light, so we enjoyed reasonably challenging race conditions.

One TOM had some difficulty getting back into the marina.

We enjoyed a spot of TOM fishing on our return after the racing, and then retired to the RCNC bar.

Note that we also run regular sail training days for those new to TOM sailing. These are currently on Saturdays, but will also be scheduled for Thursdays after the current TOMs Ladder has ended.

Why not come along and join us for future TOMs Ladder and/or TOM sail training events?

Click HERE for the final Autumn series results.

Many thanks to Chris for running another great TOMs Ladder event.




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