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Costa Blanca, Spain

Storm Cairan ripped through El Portet on Thursday night, and the resulting storm surge threw huge boulders onto the concrete apron when the dinghies are stored.

With the help of several of the members, we managed to shift all of the stones back into the sea. Some were just too large and would need a crane to lift them, but the rest where manhandled into a wheelbarrow one at a time mostly, and moved further down the breakwater (hopefully they will stay put next time).

We also helped a ton of seaweed into several big-bags and deposited away from the concrete apron. The dinghies were then inspected for damage (none thankfully) and moved back into the spaces where they are kept. We also picked up several items of plastic rubbish, which were helped into the dustbin. It now looks tidy and ship-shape down there again.

Comments (1)

Well done Dinghy Section!

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