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Costa Blanca, Spain
WhatsApp Image 2023-06-14 at 00.44.10

It is with deep sadness that I have to inform you that our fellow member, Alan Bailey, has passed away.

Alan was a well-loved member of the CBYA, a quiet and gentle man, who most would have met on El Portet beach helping people to learn to rig and sail the boats. Alan always had time for people, offering guidance and advice from his great wealth of knowledge and supervising the rigging and stowing of the dinghy gear.

Off the beach Alan was a great friend to many, and to those who knew him personally, a jovial, witty and engaging character. Alan will be sorely missed.

Alan leaves behind his wife Christine and the club extends its condolences to her and their family.

If you would like to express your condolences personally, you can use the comments section below.

Your Commodore

John Mackney

Comments (4)

RIP Alan – thanks for everything.

It was a pleasure knowing you, Alan. So knowledgeable, so nice. We will sure miss you!

“My best sail ever at ElPortet”- his penultimate outing on a breezy day with kind sea.
A sad loss to the club.
Thanks Alan for your kindness.

So very sorry to read this. Alan, you were so kind and helpful and friendly to everyone. Thank you so much for making me feel welcome. You worked tirelessly and patiently. You will be sorely missed. RIP.

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