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Costa Blanca, Spain

A Racing Rules Refresher

Twelve CBYA sailors presented themselves at Real Club Náutico Calpe on Saturday 23 April for the last TOMs Ladder race day of the Winter series. Unfortunately, strong winds gusting to 28 kph deterred them from sailing, and the event was regrettably cancelled. All agreed that safety was of paramount importance, and that it would be unwise to sail in those conditions.

Instead, the sailors were treated to an impromptu master class on Racing Rules organised by our Boating Officer, John Mackney, duly supported by Barry McCrae and Paddy Bettesworth.

Those present received an excellent refresher course on the rules that apply in various scenarios, and all attendees are looking forward to the second 2022 TOM Ladder series expected to start mid-July 2022.

Click HERE if you think that you know your Racing Rules.

Well done to all.

Rachel Garnham

Training Officer



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