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Costa Blanca, Spain

Sue Brew has recently presented three additional sailing books to the CBYA Library.

These are:

1) Hobie Cat Sailing, written & photographed by Jake Grubb, new revised edition

2) How to Sail: A Practical Course in boat Handling, by Nicholas Dent

3) Sailing: A Practical Handbook, by Jeremy Evans

Click HERE to view the full library

These books can be borrowed for up to FOUR (4) weeks on payment of a returnable deposit (EUR 10) per book. If you are interested in borrowing a book, or have any good nautical books to donate to the CBYA, please contact Rosalind Miranda by clicking HERE

Note that Rosalind is happy to lend out nautical books from her own library on the same basis as explained above.

The Committee

April 2021


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Nice books!

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