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Costa Blanca, Spain

Rachel Garnham, Dave Reid, Chris de Boer & Hugh Epsom had the pleasure of taking out one of the newly-refurbished TOMs on Saturday 13th June, in order to check them out, and to try out the new RCNC social-distancing booking system. I am happy to advise that they have reported that the TOM 28 that they sailed was in excellent condition, and that the only downside was that we have to continue using the old sails! RCNC have budgeted for new sails in 2021.

The new booking system works well, and the RCNC restaurant is open on the boardwalk, with full social-distancing measures in place. Facemasks must be worn at the Club, but not when seated at a table at the restaurant. See RCNC social-distancing requirements below.

You must also register on-line upon arriving at, and leaving, RCNC. Click HERE to access the form.

Since the Comunidad de Valencia is moving to Phase 3 on Monday 15th June, we have decided to restart the TOMs sailing on Thursday 18th June, by which time we hope that FOUR (4) refurbished TOMs will be available to sail.

Look out for the invitation!

Amanda Topson

TOMS Co-ordinator


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