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Costa Blanca, Spain

Torrential TOMs!

On Saturday 23rd October 2021, three CBYA crews, skippered by Chairman Hugh Epsom, Dave Reid and Fernando Moneta, had planned to take three TOMS out for a sail. What we hadn’t planned for was the torrential downpour which prevailed for most of the morning, accompanied by flukey breezes which seemed as uncertain as we were about what to do and where to go next!

Above: Skipper Dave Reid with crew Amanda Topson, Sam Knoben and Juan Carlos Notario.

Fernando Moneta’s crew comprised two chicas,  Eva Vetter and Karen Gardner!

Nevertheless, chivvied on by Real Club Nautico Calpe, who were also hosting the TROFEO RCN CALPE VELA LIGERA 2021 on the same day, to vacate the marina as soon as possible, we rigged all three TOMS and set off expeditiously in the torrential downpour in search of a breath of wind!

Hugh’s intrepid crew consisted of Vice Chairman Neil Robertson, Ernst Kaars-Sijpesteijn and Alan Bailey.

The widely forecast wind had been Force 3 from the North East. What we encountered was black skies emanating from the inland mountains, accompanied by uncertain, variable and inconsistent breezes! And torrential rain!

However, Fortitude and Intrepidity prevailed, and eventually we found enough constant breeze and a break in the rain to enjoy a hour or so of very pleasant sailing!

The Vega Ligera Lasers and 420s then came out for their regatta in great light wind sailing conditions!

Returning to harbour like drowned rats, we were very keen to unrig the boats, change into dry clothes and dash for the warmth and comfort of a good restaurant for a drink and a bite to eat!

Footnote: When the strength of the wind exceeds that of the rain, it’s fun. But when the strength of the rain exceeds that of the wind, it’s not!

On the day honours were shared! But the company of like-minded CBYA sailors, and the opportunity to get out on the water and sail a TOM, and to socialise together afterwards, made for a great day out!

Neil Robertson


Comments (2)

Great description of your day out, Neil!

Sounds like some great hours on the water …… and, no doubt, a good few hours debrief in the bar afterwards. xx

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