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Costa Blanca, Spain

Herewith the final TOMs 2019 Autumn Series Ladder results to date – click on the Ladder Game image below:

Another close TOM Ladder racing series. The total number of participants in the Autumn Series was 34. Only six race days took place, many being being cancelled due to weather. The number of race starts was 19. With a 33% discard, this leaves 13 races to count. Nine people qualified.

Final result using the Position Score number was:

1. Paddy Bettesworth – 44
2. Phil Bethell – 48
3. Amanda Topson – 49

The average result for qualifying races was also calculated based on all races (attended or not). On this basis Keith Leary was a close winner; IT COUNTS TO TURN UP!

The next series is expected to start in January 2020, when some changes will take place regarding the number of crew and racing rules. Three races per month are planned in order to facilitate training days. Come along and join us on the next TOMs Ladder day. See

See more TOMs Ladder details by clicking HERE.

Chris de Boer

TOMs Ladder Organiser

Comments (1)

Well done Paddy – well deserved!!

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