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Costa Blanca, Spain

In order to get to know our recently joined members better, and to welcome them all to the CBYA, we hosted a New CBYA Members’ Lunch at the Restaurant A Bordo, Club Náutico de Jávea on Wednesday 9th October 2019. The event was attended by the majority of the CBYA Committee, as well as several other CBYA co-ordinators and organisers. The significant number of CBYA ‘representatives’ confirmed our strong commitment to continuing to grow the CBYA, and our interest in ‘on-boarding’ our new members.

The purpose was…….

  • To meet as many as possible of our new members who had joined during the last 18 months,

  • To update them on planned future CBYA sailing and social activities,

  • To help us better understand their expectations from joining the CBYA,

  • To encourage them to get involved in what the CBYA offers and to help run our association.

The lunch meeting arranged by Julie Benneworth (Social Team), and was planned and run by Amanda Topson (Public Relations Co-ordinator) and Monique Neyze. It involved a different and more dynamic way of managing a CBYA event. On arrival, new members were given a name tag with colour-coded sticky dots indicating their experience of CBYA activities, and providing a good talking point, as well as useful information.

Some ice-breaking activities included getting people to talk to the group in general about their sailing experience, and where they lived, and there were several groups of people hanging back together at the end of the event chatting, which was what we had hoped to achieve!


During the meeting, new members were encouraged to use available nautical props to take a “selfie” photographs for entry into our New Member Photo competition. Those who did, can upload them to the CBYA Members-only Facebook page before the end of October by clicking HERE. No entries will be accepted after that date. The winner will be decided by the number of “likes”, and the Committee decision will be final!

The CBYA Committee members and Co-ordinators/Organisers circulated the tables during the lunch to ensure that all attending new members fully understood how the CBYA works, and what is available to our members. It was explained that our organisation runs well due to the time and effort expended by our members who volunteer to help, and we appealed for more assistance. As a result, two new members immediately offered to assist with the running of our Powerboat Section!

Some feedback received after the event…

Congratulations to all the Committee members for an entertaining & enjoyable New Members’ Lunch; you all did a lot of  “circulating”, talking to everyone & making each of us feel comfortable & welcome.  Am very pleased I joined as a social member & look forward to more off – & perhaps even a few on-water! – activities. Thanks to all, Chloe.

As new CBYA members, Steve and I we would like to thank Amanda, Monique, CBYA Committee and CBYA co-ordinators/organisers for a fantastic event – the ‘sailing experience’ exercise and the ‘location of where people lived’ were good icebreakers!! It was great to hear about what the CBYA can offer its members over a leisurely lunch, in a relaxed environment. We met some more really lovely people and look forward to sharing future experiences with the CBYA. Karen & Steve.

All present agreed that it was a most successful and enjoyable event, during which we all enjoyed an excellent atmosphere, at a most appropriate location, with great food!

We believe that this event helped us to achieve our overall goal to integrate attending new members into the CBYA by getting to know them better, and explaining everything that CBYA membership offers.

The Committee plans to run similar future New CBYA Member events in the future.

Many thanks to those who attended.

The Chairman

October 2019

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