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Costa Blanca, Spain

The previous two CBYA Cruiser Days having been cancelled due to lack on numbers, I am pleased to report that this one actually did happen!

A great sailing day was had by all on board the ‘Good Ship Tricky D’ – many thanks to Richard Jones, the skipper and boat owner.

We met at 10am, at Bar Due in the Marina de Dénia, where we enjoyed a coffee and a briefing. We were a bit delayed leaving, but finally got underway at 11am.

On board were Jane Dye, Peter Steenhuis, Erich Schriener, Richard and myself.

Richard encourages all crew members to get involved, so Jane had the helm for most of the first leg, whilst Erich and Peter managed the genoa sheets.

We had a perfect 20-24 knot wind from the North, all the way to the Jávea Bay. Due to the wind direction, we then anchored for lunch in the shelter of the Jávea harbour wall, near to the ‘Port’ beach, where we watched the various craft coming and going.

Some of the more crazy ones went for a swim, which was refreshing to say the least, but very nice all the same.

Setting off to return to Dénia at 3pm, with the wind strength and direction holding for most of the return leg, we made good time landing back on the berth by 6pm, just in time for a tidy up, and a quick, well earned beer.

Thanks to everyone for their participation, and of course to skipper Richard Jones (TrickyD).

N.B. The next CBYA Cruising Day is scheduled on Monday July 22nd and the one after that on August 26th. I already have several names wanting to be included in the next two trips, so if you are interested in joining us, please get in touch with me, Graham Hustler by clicking HERE.

Comments (1)

Great Blog , thank you Graham,
Glad and not at all surprised you had a great day.with Capitano Riccardo in charge.


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