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Costa Blanca, Spain

The TOMs longer distance cruise and raft-up, originally planned for Thursday 7th June, was subsequently rescheduled to Thursday 5th July. Unfortunately, crew availability was limited to eight TOMs sailors on the day, and disappointingly, we were unable to arrange a suitable safety boat to accompany the TOMs on the cruise. This meant that we to stay in the Calpe bay.

However, we still had fun!!

The following made up the crews of two TOMs:

  • Dave Matthews

  • Amanda Topson

  • Paul Smithard (skipper)

  • Dave Reid

  • Peter Osborn

  • Hugh Epsom (skipper)

  • Gerald Noon

  • Martin Smith

We enjoyed 15 knots, gusting to 20 knots, on leaving the marina, so decided to race around the Calpe fish farm. After a closely-contested race, we made the most of the wind by sailing around the bay. We then hove-to near to Puerto Blanco in order to enjoy our picnic. Then, as the breeze dropped, we managed to fit in a long spinnaker run on one TOM, to keep Dave Reid happy.  After which the wind promptly died leaving us sweltering! Hugh decided to cool off in the water, hanging onto a stern line and float as we crept along.

Fortunately we had had the foresight to stuff a stand-up-board paddle in the bilges, which Pete used to good effect to get us back to the marina.

Another great day out on the TOMs!

Hugh Epsom

(Photos courtesy of Peter Osborn)


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