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Costa Blanca, Spain

Monday 22nd July, saw us enjoying another fabulous CBYA Cruising Day, aboard the good ship TrickyD.  Great weather, great winds and great company.

Participants were Peter Steenhuis, Jane Dye, Inga Schreiner, John Beavis, Elaine Goddard-Tame, Sian & Glynne Williams, plus myself and Richard Jones (the boat owner).

Meeting at Marina de Dénia at 10am, for a quick coffee and introductions. We then boarded TrickyD, where Richard allocated jobs for everyone, and explained the Do’s and Don’ts.

We departed at 10.45am, experiencing a rather hazy sun, with clouds hugging the Montgó, when leaving Dénia port, but we soon found ourselves in good steady winds from the North, varying from 14-18 knots, with a fairly choppy sea, – waves at times reaching approximately 2 mtrs.

We debated where best to head for, bearing in mind that we were in a somewhat ‘Confused Sea‘, which would make it rather lumpy in Sardine Bay or Cala Blanca, either of which were our preferred anchorages for lunch.  So with favorable winds, we decided to go further and head round to Cala Grenadella.  We made good time and arrived around 1.30pm, and found a smooth anchorage together with several other boats. We had our lunch, and then with temperatures in the 30’s, all enjoyed a very refreshing swim.

Departing from Cala Grenadella at 3.30pm, a bit later than planned, we headed back to Dénia, beating into the Northerly wind, which had slackened slightly to around 12 to 14 knots. However we maintained 4.5 – 5kts OTG most of the way, as the wind slowly dropped. We only fired up the engine about 2km from Dénia, in order to speed up the arrival, having been on the water for over 8 hours. We arrived back on the berth at 7.30pm.

A good day had by all………..

The next scheduled CBYA Cruising Day is, Monday August 26th. The cost is €60.

We already have 3-4 people wanting to sail, so places are limited. If you would like to be included, please contact me, Graham Hustler, by clicking HERE.

A note for the diary, the September Cruising Day is scheduled for Monday September 23rd.



Comments (1)

Thank you for another wonderful day and great sailing in this beautiful part of beloved Spain. Great company with like minded souls on a beaitiful boat and as usual, I learnt something new! Am very much looking forward to the next sailing day in August – for my monthly fix! Thank you again, Jane 🙂

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