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Costa Blanca, Spain

CBYA_DinghyDay_Launching4CBYA_DinghyDay_Louise CBYA_DinghyDay_WallyCBYA_DinghyDay_GoingToSea

Louise and Wally took to the water on our free-of-charge Dinghy Day on Friday 17th February 2017.

Around twenty CBYA members met at Paradise Beach at El Portet, Moraira, to join in the fun. The winds were light, but ideal for those who had either never been out in a dinghy before, or who had not sailed in one for a long time.

Sixteen people sailed, some skippering and some crewing, taking it in turns to switch between the two different boats.

The rest stayed in the bar to watch the fun from the sea wall!

All went according to plan, except no dancing girl’s. Maybe next time…

Now that the CBYA dinghies are shipshape, we plan to run regular Dinghy Days every two weeks. The first one will be on Wednesday 15th March 2017. The cost will be €5/person or €10/boat. If you would like to come along, contact Richard Evett ( A newsletter invitation will be issued nearer to the date.

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Comments (3)

Bob Gordon CBYA Chairman

Well done Richard
Great to get the Dinghy Project off the ground (sand) and you have achieved that. The pictures are great and I encourage ALL members (and that means social only ones too) to get involved. Blow away the cobwebs and get out on the water in a little piece of ‘paradise’.
Sorry I could not be with you.

Wish I’d been there! Had intended to but ended up away in UK instead.

Wish we coul have been there too Richard, but we had ant- fouling duties in uk! Un4tun8ly can’t make the next one either as booked a few days skiing then, but looking fwd to the one after……

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