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Costa Blanca, Spain
WhatsApp Image 2023-09-01 at 16.41.26 (2)

A second Platú 25 Beginners sail training course started this week. Such is the demand for sail training that we have kept the Escuela de Vela at the Club Náutico de Altea pretty occupied in recent weeks. We have an Intermediate course starting this month, with 4 people already on the waiting list for another follow up course. In total that will amount to 15 new members trained to date!

With so many new members joining to receive training, the club will soon have a well-trained pool of members to allow us to put together future sailing events and regattas.

If you would like some basic sail training on keel boats, or learn some advance techniques, keep a look out for the opportunities the club is now offering. Review the events calendar for details.

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