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Costa Blanca, Spain
Coronation_Beach_H gift

Well done To Hugh Epsom

It is traditional in the CBYA to present ex-Committee members with a gift to recognise the effort and service that they have given the club during their time of office. We should remember that everyone who serves as a Committee member in the CBYA gives their time voluntarily, and we like to honour that, and say thanks, when they eventually stand down.

Hugh has done an outstanding job as Chairman of the CBYA over the past four years, and as a way of saying thank you, and offering our appreciation for all his hard work on behalf of all the members, we presented him with this nautical tribute – a ship in a bottle decanter. Hugh was previously Vice-Chairman for four years, and TOMs Coordinator for three years, – a total of eleven years serving on the CBYA Committee.

Hugh, we hope you will think of us whenever you use this gift, and always remember… Drink Responsibly ha ha!

John Mackney


Comments (2)

Many thanks for the gift – much appreciated. It will be put to good use!

Well done.
You have been a most excellent Chairman and have kept the club as a shining example of the aspirations of the previous commodores.

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