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Costa Blanca, Spain

Some of our members took advantage of the the Pascual Flores visit to Denia on 20 – 22 April. They included Diana Jarvis and Brenda Bates who joined the ship for a short sail, and took these photographs.

Many thanks ladies!

The Committee

Many of the great ships built at the time were made by Torrevejen calafats such as Antonio Marí, alias “el temporal”, author among others, of the famous pailebote “Pascual Flores” in 1917.

During the first years of life, the pailebote was dedicated to the export of fruits, salt and general cargo, both in Mediterranean ports and anchors, and on the north and west coast of Africa. Over the years the boat changed owners and underwent important modifications in the structure, ending its days in England.
With the purpose of honouring the memory of that flourishing sailing, the Torrevieja City Council bought in 1999 the “Pascual Flores“, which was in very bad condition in the port of Milford. The goal was to make it a symbol of the Torrevieja sailor and the flagship of the city
You can read a full account of the Pascual Flores and La Torrevieja marinera y el comercio de la Sal on the website:

Comments (2)

Thanks for posting Hugh. B

Wonderful description by Diana and Brenda.
Dr.Ron Shanson

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