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Costa Blanca, Spain

What a Dinghy Day we had on Tuesday 16th March!

Perfect sailing conditions, blue sky, not a cloud in sight, offshore breeze, warm but not hot, bridge café open and lots flowing of….. what do you call that red stuff?

Now the interesting bit. Several capsizes. The Bird rescue boat ….to the rescue…first ‘real’ time…..Louise to the the rescue as well. The entertainment on my bridge was just great!

Two safety boats were in use all day to keep everyone safe, and everyone was of course fine. Good to see a well prepared team out on the water taking care of everyone.

At the end of the day we had some very tired crew, including two great 20-year olds, who also got very involved, and learnt a lot.

Very big thanks to my team. Fernando never stopped…what would we do without him? Karen, James, and all the others, too many to name, but all joined in, rigged, sailed, capsized, rescued and derigged,…..and had a great time!

Bob Gordon

Dinghy Section Co-ordinator

Comments (2)

Enjoyed the colourful report thank you.
Will be there with friends, spectating on 24th!

Looks like good conditions for sailing and glad that everyone had a great time.
However, it is rather concerning that with “perfect sailing conditions” and an “off-shore breeze” there was even one capsize, let alone several.
Thankfully there were well-prepared safety boats to help with the rescue.
Looks like the Enterprise needs masthead buoyancy to prevent turning turtle.

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