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Costa Blanca, Spain

There has been some misinterpretation of the CBYA statute in the past, specifically around voting at the AGM. The statute states:

Article 14 Competence and Validity of the Proceedings:

“Decisions will be carried by simple majority of the persons present or represented, when the votes ‘for’ exceed those ‘against’. Nevertheless, it will require a qualified majority, exceeding one half of those persons present or represented, to actuate agreements… “

The means that you do not need to attend an AGM in person to vote. You may instead be represented, with representation implying being represented by proxy.

By default the Chairman of the meeting is your proxy, should you not intend to attend in person, whereby you assign the Chairman your proxy vote via an online ballot. You are free of course to have someone else attend the meeting in person to act as your proxy if you wish, and in that case, you must submit a proxy voting form (through the Secretary) authorising them to vote for you.  This does not prevent you speaking at the meeting, and you can also change your vote at the meeting if a poll is called.

We send an online voting form out to every members who is registered* on the Friday before the AGM. The system we use is called Election Runner, which is efficient, secure and compliant with the tenet of the CBYA; that voting is accountable, but carried out in secret.

*Only full members may vote. If you joined as a couple, then you have two votes. However, if only one member of a couple has registered, then you only get one vote. Every member should register, so that ALL of the membership are represented at elections. If you need help registering as a member, please contact the Secretary who will be glad to assist.

I hope this clarifies how the CBYA voting process works.

Chairman of the CBYA

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