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Costa Blanca, Spain
Pig n Jig Crowd

The first CBYA Sottish dance and hog roast was held at the Isla Bonita in Jávea on February 29th.  There was a great turn out, and even a piper (Frazer), and several kilts and tartans (although these were not obligatory).

Marina Theobald ran a Saturday morning training session to learn the basics, and this was by all accounts, quite an energetic 90 minutes. Marina also did the calling on the night, and made all the dances easy to follow and fun to dance.

Everyone fuelled up beforehand with some excellent roast pork, and all the trimmings, followed by a delicious Eton mess supplied by Peter Read of Hog Roasts (and a few glasses of Dutch courage were also consumed to fortify the beginners!)

A very enjoyable three hours was then spent doing Dashing White Sergeants, Gay Gordons, Strip the Willows, Saint Bernard’s Waltzes, and many other sedate, and not so sedate, Highland jigs.

All in all an excellent time was had by all, and it was agreed that we should make this at least an annual jolly.

In addition, 250 euros was raised for our chosen charity, Make-a-Smile.

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