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Costa Blanca, Spain

Seven crew turned up of Friday 14th July for the first CBYA Hobie Cat day this year – Friday 7th July Hobie Day was cancelled due to excessive wind. We hired two Hobie Getaways (17 foot cats), with Karen Gardner and Hugh Epsom on duty as skippers.

Tanya Carruthers and Terry Helyar sailed with Karen.

Nicola and Alastair  Wallace and Gillian Ashworth sailed with Hugh.

The wind was quite gusty, with a fair amount of chop on the water, so the crew all became pretty wet!

Karen lost one of her forestays whilst sailing, and did well sailing the Hobie back into port without sustaining any further damage!

We all enjoyed a couple of post-sailing drinks back on terra firma.

Looking forward to the next Hobie Cat day on Friday 21st July.


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