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Costa Blanca, Spain

A Fun CBYA Countryside Walk and Lunch

The CBYA Social Team organised an easy walk in the Parque Natural del Marjal de Pego-Oliva on Tuesday 4th April in order to raise money for the CBYA 2023 supported-charity, Make-a-Smile.

Twenty CBYA members signed up for the event.

Although it was not the best time of the year for migratory birds, a glossy ibis and several egrets were spotted. Malcolm also claims to have heard a “something” warbler!

The walk was led by Hugh Epsom, and included a swim and lunch at the Font Salada thermal springs.

Only Tessa, Gillian and John Shiel braved the waters – they reported that the water temperature was most pleasant!

The event raised 220€ for Make-a-Smile. Many thanks for your support.

More information regarding the Parque Natural can be downloaded by clicking HERE.

Tessa and Mark kindly invited us all back to their place after the walk for tea and appelgebak!

The Social Team

Comments (1)

Well done to everyone to raise that amount of money. Looks like a lovely day. We had sunshine and warm temps in the UK over the Easter weekend but overcast sky and rain today makes me happy I’ll be home tomorrow.

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