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Costa Blanca, Spain

CBYA Social Lunch and Presentation in Moraira

CBYA members, and a couple of friends, enjoyed an excellent lunch at the Restaurant Del Mar in Moraira on Monday 30th May.

Engraved glassware awards were presented to Tanya & Peter English during the event to thank them for their past contributions to the CBYA. Tanya started our charter holiday cruises and organised three successful yacht charters in Croatia and Greece. Peter served as our Social Secretary for four years.

New member, Gro Salter, presented the awards on behalf of the CBYA.

We had also planned to make a presentation to our previous Treasurer, Sue Bell. Unfortunately she contracted COVID immediately prior to the lunch and was therefore unable to attend. We will arrange the presentation at a later mutually-convenient date.

Many thanks to our Vice-Chairman, Neil Robertson, and his partner Vicki, for finding and booking the restaurant. Unfortunately, they were unable to attend on the day as they had to return to the UK.

Gillian Ashworth




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