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Costa Blanca, Spain

CBYA at it’s best. Twenty (20+) plus members took over the end of the cafe at El Portet, Moraira, nearest to our boats..and didn’t stop chatting.  I had hoped to sail, but if it wasn’t the lock-down today that stopped us.. we had jelly-fish. Not the odd one, but massive amounts of them right up to the beach. Then the sky’s threatened a thunderstorm, so I made the decision to call off sailing.

That didn’t stop the wonderful CBYA comradery, lots of booze and lots of stories! Tricky D brought some bottles of cava to celebrate his birthday!

The culmination was the amazing canoe built by Jane and her friend (sorry can’t remember his name, but he has sworn to join the CBYA) as they launched it for the first time, and several members took her out.

Those who had updated their CBYA membership details, and signed the new disclaimer, got their free drinks!

So a great afternoon, to basically celebrate the more or less, end of lockdown.

Thank you all who came, and abided by social distancing regulations,..see you all again for the next dinghy day on Tuesday 23rd June…jelly-fish permitting!

Bob Gordon

Dinghy Section Commander

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