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Costa Blanca, Spain
Photos 18.09.19 013

CBYA  – Cruiser Day 23rd September

Once again, we had the pleasure of being on a CBYA member’s boat, namely Tricky D. On board were James Morris and Kristina, Edward Gibbs and Nicola, Trevor Perry, myself and the skipper, Richard Jones.

We met at 10 am and had a coffee as normal, whilst we got to know everyone, and completed the briefing, etc.

We set sail at 11 am, motoring out of the marina past the wrecked, and slowly sinking Balearic ferry, which is now being cut up for scrap, and is slowly disappearing.

The wind started as a steady 12 knots due NE, building to around 18 knots. So, at an average speed of 6 kph, we simply beat out to sea for about 18 km. Superb sailing conditions!

At around 1 pm we ‘hove to’ whilst we had some lunch.

Hoping that the wind would change direction to a southerly, as forecast, we then headed North for an hour, planning to later beat back to Dénia. However, as is often the case, the wind failed to cooperate, so we had to set a gybe “preventer” on the boom and return to base with the wind behind us, gradually easing to next to zero. We arrived back at the berth by 6 pm.

A very enjoyable cruiser day out on the water was had by all.

Please note that from October, and through the winter months, we shall be using a Jeanneau 38 (or 42), chartered from Náutica Corcho in Marina de Dénia.

The next planned ‘Cruiser Day’ is on Monday 28th October.

You can always check on the CBYA Calendar for future Cruiser Dates…

But as always, it is dependent on adequate crew signing up on the day.

So please put your name down early, by contacting Graham Hustler by clicking HERE

Hope to see you out on the water!


(CBYA Day Cruiser Charter Organiser)

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