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Costa Blanca, Spain

CBYA member Pete Carrigan gave an excellent presentation on the supersonic Concorde aircraft on Monday 1st April 2019, at the Jávea Players Studio Theatre.

His fascinating talk on the Concorde, covered its unique and significant differences relative to all other aircraft, by means of an excellent Powerpoint presentation, with embedded video clips. Pete was a flight engineer 3rd pilot, and flew for 28 years for British Airways. He accumulated over 10,000 hours on 747s over 15 years, and then over 3,500 hours over the next 12 years on Concorde, continuing to fly on this amazing supersonic passenger aircraft right up to its final flight. He was an instructor for the final 6 years of his career, and was responsible for training and checking the crew on Concorde, as well as flying the aircraft on test flights.

If you attended the talk you would have enjoyed a real treat, followed by an excellent tapas meal at Restaurant Area 1. If you didn’t, you missed out! Make sure to attend the next CBYA presentation evening on Monday 3rd June when our Vice-chairman, Neil Robertson, will be talking about his experiences underwater on nuclear submarines!

Many thanks to Peter for giving the presentation, and to the CBYA Social Team for running another excellent social event.

Comments (4)

A realy great talk, most enjoyable. thank you Pete.

Hello my name is Bob Welham, President of U3A Vall Del pop. I note that you had an excellent presentation by Peter Carrigan , Concorde Pilot. I know that my members would love to hear Peter’s presentation and was hoping that you could allow me to have his contact details..
Please check out our website. to confirm this request. Thank you,

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