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Costa Blanca, Spain

The CBYA Social Team organised a great walk which took place on Saturday 19 January in the mountains near Benidoleig.

Around 20 people joined the walk, including some of the 2019 CBYA Mirador Challenge team members, as well as four dogs!

The weather was perfect, and the views, spectacular!

After the walk, most of us enjoyed an excellent lunch at Restaurante El Temple in Benidoleig.

Many thanks to Peter & Tanya English, Julie Benneworth and Sabine Olbrich for a great day out.

Comments (3)

A great day out. Would love to do something similar again.

Great idea.
Glad the weather added to a super day for you all..
I know that walk and area.
Very sorry to have missed it


A great hike in beautiful countryside followed by a lovely convivial lunch. Let’s do it again! Well done the organising team 10/10.

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