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Costa Blanca, Spain

All day Big Game Tuna Fishing trip from Javea Port on 1st August 2018

with CBYA in association with Area Nautica captained by Dani Maestre

Chris de Boer, Audun, Leigh Johnson, Kiran, and Paul Nicholls

The CBYA group with others, set off from Javea port at 8am full of anticipation of a big catch.

Blue fin tuna come from the Atlantic through the straights of Gibraltar to spawn in the Med, the exact location is not known.

One of the tuna runs, is a deep 70M trench between Calpe and Moraira some distance from the shore and almost in to the shipping lanes. It was here that we fished.

At mid-day the fish struck our bait, with a fishing lure of some size.  Up first was Paul Nicholls, who brought in the blue fin tuna (said to be about 40kg) close to the boat with a considerable amount of effort and time. Other members of the group helped, and we could see the catch being brought in and we were full of anticipation of a healthy meal ahead.

Alas it was not to be! The weighty fish broke its line just as we were about to land it, and now it’s a story of the ‘one that got away’.

Great day out, some swimming on the way back, but no more fish that day.

I have made a short video of the catch and it can be seen here.  – the password to access the video is CBYA (all upper case).

Paul Nicholls

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