Many people forget that the CBYA website has a load of useful information on all sorts of nautical issues. Why not go to Then scroll down below the weather chart to have a look now? The Committee March 2018
Your smart phone can now save your life and spare you from your worst nightmare at sea! Take a look at the latest OLAS device which can: Ensure all crew members are present Significantly increase the chance of…
Dr Ron Shanson has given a couple of presentations to the CBYA regarding first aid at sea. Please click HERE to download his most useful guideline notes. The Committee July 2017
Do You Know Your Sailing Flags? Maybe not? Well here is a good place to start if you are a regular race crew. Left click over flags to open to see clearly or right click to save the file. There…
Every four years, the International Sailing Federation (ISAF) updates the Racing Rules of Sailing. Currently we are racing under the 2013-16 rules, but after 1st January 2017 we will be racing under the 2017-20 rules. You can download a pdf…
Why Not Register as an ISAF Sailor? The ISAF Sailor Classification Code exists as a service to provide events and classes with an international system of classification for sailors. You can easily register HERE on the World Sailing website and…