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Costa Blanca, Spain

Due to the declining interest in their annual TOMs liga competition, Real Club Náutico Calpe (RCNC) have decided to introduce a new format for racing their TOM 28 yachts. This involves a number of one-day events, each comprising of up to four races, with drinks and snacks after the event (courtesy of RCNC), during which the prizes are presented for the day’s racing.

The first of these new-format events took place on Sunday 27th October, and was well supported, with RCNC entering four crews, and the CBYA providing two crews. The latter comprised:


Rachel Garnham (skipper)

Dave Reid

Angie Roper

Mike Jones


Hugh Epsom (skipper)

Paddy Bettesworth

Ian McKay

Chris Engels

Antonio gave us an excellent pre-race briefing, during which he provided us all with a refresher on yacht racing rules. He also announced that he would act as our umpire, by following us in an inflatable rubber dinghy, and making immediate decisions on protests. All skippers were then handed a red protest flag.

Unfortunately, the extremely light wind was the main challenge for the racing, and in the end, the lack of wind only allowed us to complete two of the four planned races, with the following results:

1º Jesús del Toro + crew (RCNC)

2º Hugh Epsom + crew (CBYA)

3º Ismael Cabrera + crew (RCNC)

This event will be repeated on Sunday 1st December, and if successful, the format will be introduced as a regular fixture next year.

Hugh Epsom

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