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Costa Blanca, Spain
5CStart_El Campello_TDCrew_Feb19

5 Clubs El Campello Saturday 23rd and La Vila 24th February.

TrickyD and friends, as well as 24 other 5 clubs yachts, recently took part in a weekend of racing.

Both races were struck down by a lack of wind later on. This did not dampen out spirits as the sunny days, blue waters,  and meeting up with old sailing friends, more than made up for it…

Our next race is the 5 Clubs Altea on Sunday the 10th of March. If you are interested in taking part with the TrickyD team, please contact me on 666 977 822 or email by clicking HERE

Comments (2)

Well said Skipper Richard. It was a super few days on boat TD.
3rd mate Brenda X

Diana Lesley Jarvis

And a good time was had by all!

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